Meet The Artist


My name is Patricia, I am a ceramic artist based in south Florida. I graduated with a Bachelors in Fine Arts with a concentration in ceramics. From a young age I was always making something. Drawing, painting, making jewelry, sewing clothes, what ever had to do with getting my hands dirty I was there. As life would have it I ended up falling in love with clay. Its labor intensive, tedious, unforgiving at times but so worth the reward. 


Artist Statement

I am attracted to clay due to its sensitive yet solid nature when manipulated. Within my practice I use the methods of coiling and slab building to attain the forms. My Caribbean heritage influences the vivid colors I chose to use in my pieces. Simple human figures guide my interest in the representation of self. The common theme in my work is aimed to personify human form whether through sgraffito technique or actual sculpture.  I utilize aspects of human biology to point towards ideas I find relevant, for example my use in making figures without eyes or ears to signify the prevalent oppression of women. This notion of being “blind” and “deaf” inspires the inequality of gender roles and silences the voice of women which is reflected in my work. 


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